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    Sinoyin Solars Co.,Ltd.



    Why is the difference between flat panel solar water heaters so big when it comes to solar energy

    AUTHOR:adminFROM:本站RELEASE:2024-4-8 21:34:03

    The rapid development of air energy water heaters has also driven the development of solar water heaters, especially commercial solar water heaters. Many enterprises choose the combination of air energy water heaters and solar water heaters. Although the initial investment cost is high, in the long run, this combination is the most economical. Solar water heaters can be flat panel and vacuum tube types. Today, the Meineng editor mainly discusses the development prospects of flat panel solar water heaters: compared to vacuum tube solar water heaters, flat panel solar water heaters are more suitable for use in commercial buildings. Flat panel solar water heaters are showing an explosive increase trend in urban engineering malls, with a year-on-year increase of more than 50% nationwide. Some companies have even reached a growth rate of 100%, while vacuum tube solar water heaters are starting to increase. Originating from rural areas, with the continuous deepening of urban construction in China, flat panel solar collectors with advantages such as safety, reliability, efficiency, pressure resistance, and easy integration with construction have great opportunities for development. The flat panel solar collectors used in the 2008 Beijing Olympics were German products, and the 16th Asian Games held in Guangzhou, The domestically produced flat plate collector was selected, and the operating effect has been praised by the Asian Organizing Committee.

    In recent years, the growth rate of flat panel industrialization has exceeded that of vacuum tubes. According to relevant data statistics, vacuum tubes have increased by 15% year-on-year, while flat panel models have increased by 50%. This mainly depends on: firstly, the skills of flat panel models are constantly updated; Secondly, the promotion of national policies; Thirdly, new projects launched by tablet manufacturers, etc

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