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    Kicking the first three feet, is cleaning and heating really worry free?

    AUTHOR:adminFROM:本站RELEASE:2024-4-8 21:36:42

    At present, the technical difficulty of clean heating is not high, and the focus of the work is to do a good job in policy coordination and win the support of the general public. In recent years, people have been plagued by the troubles of the heart and lungs, and the governance of haze has a strong public opinion foundation. People have two important concerns when choosing clean heating: whether it is warm or expensive.

    Currently, the northern region is gradually entering the heating season. In the context of both heating and good air, clean heating has become a trend. In this regard, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has achieved certain results. This year, Beijing achieved gas heating in the six districts of the city. The Beijing Tianjin Hebei Energy Collaborative Development Action Plan (2017-2020) has recently been issued, proposing the target tasks of reducing coal consumption in the three regions in the next few years according to local conditions.

    Coal is an important energy source in the northern region and a significant source of air pollution. As of last year, the annual coal consumption in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region reached about 400 million tons, of which Beijing's coal consumption is less than 10 million tons, and there is still significant room for compression in coal consumption in the region. These data reveal the importance of regional collaborative control of air pollution. For a long time, each of the three regions has been researching and formulating their own energy plans. Now, they have finally begun to concentrate on planning and coordinating, clarifying the project list, deploying specific tasks, and setting time nodes for the first time, which is equivalent to pressing the "fast forward" button for promoting clean heating.

    At present, the technical difficulty of clean heating is not high, and the focus of the work is to ensure policy coordination and win the support of the general public. In recent years, people have been plagued by the troubles of the heart and lungs, and the governance of haze has a strong public opinion foundation. People have two important concerns when choosing clean heating: whether it is warm or expensive. This is particularly evident in rural areas and urban-rural integration areas. Preliminary exploration has proven that the new method not only has higher heating efficiency, but also is more stable and convenient. For example, air source heat pumps work in a way similar to central air conditioning, without the need for smoking and burning the kang. Some villagers have bluntly stated that "living in rural areas is no worse than living in urban areas.". As for the cost, most regions have provided preferential policies such as exemption from initial installation fees and subsidies for gas and electricity prices, taking multiple measures to ensure the steady progress of clean heating measures.

    Cleaning and heating is the trend, but kicking the first three feet does not necessarily mean worry free follow-up. On the one hand, policy support makes methods such as "coal to electricity" and "coal to gas" more cost-effective than coal-fired heating. However, how to ensure that users, especially villagers, can afford and use clean heating after the subsidy is withdrawn, is the key to ensuring its sustainability. On the one hand, there are regional differences in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. The high efficiency of coal reduction work in Beijing is due to its development level and economic structure advantages, but the experience model cannot be directly copied. Taking Hebei as an example, there are not only a considerable number of loose coal users, but also some heavy industries. In the long run, the large-scale implementation of clean energy requires continued improvement in the industrial structure and more comprehensive policy support.

    The task of bringing clean energy into the homes of ordinary people is arduous, but this energy revolution is of great significance. It is not only responsible to the general public, but also to social development.

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